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Brenda Farmer proclaimed in the Spirit, someone has problems in their left shoulder, rotator cuff. I repsonded immediately. When Mark Farmer laid hands on me... I felt release in that shoulder. I demonstrated by swinging my left arm around freely.



When I awoke on Sunday I went to the emergency room before church. I was told that I was having muscle spasms in my neck and that it could take a couple of weeks for it to ease up...When Pastor Mark layed hands on my neck at first I was scared because I was in a lot of pain and then all of a sudden he started slowly turning my neck and I felt such a calmness, warmth and power from his hands, I almost felt like I was going to faint, I knew it was God working through him to heal me and I knew at that moment I had been healed. Sunday May 4th is a day I will always remember. I have never been through such a powerful and spiritual moment like that before and that is why I will continue to start my day and end my day giving God all the glory.



I had been healed of three afflictions at three different services. The first was healing in my lungs, the second was an arthritic hip and the third was an upper right arm. Also a confirmation about a prophecy ten years ago.



I went up was like I stepped into an “open heaven”. The presence of God was strong! I began to cry and felt heat all over. I began shaking and the heat was getting hotter by the second. Then I heard Mark say “there it is, there's the Holy Ghost”. At this point I felt like I was on fire and an earthquake was within my body. It was so intense! Then Brenda spoke over me and and I dropped to me knees, because I felt like I was struck by an electric current.



We have chosen a few testimonies to acquaint you with

what some people experience in our services.



When I was in high school me and my girlfriend had to get an abortion. I could not forgive myself, for about 18 years I would hide my feelings with alcohol, drugs, and whatever else I could find. I asked God to forgive me two years ago. I believe God forgave me when I asked, but I still could not forgive myself. At the revival God touched me for the very first time. ...I have never been happier in my life. Before I was just living in the world, now I am a new man of God.


Anonymously a man from Gladwin Mi. 


I had back surgery 2 ½ years ago and rods put in my back. Since then I have had nerve damage in my feet and legs. The last two weeks I've had pulsating, electric like pain on the top of my feet and pain making it difficult to walk. I was prayed for and I haven't had the pain in my feet since.



I had pancreatic failure and was hospitalized for more than a week. The doctors still have concerns about my health, but I believe God healed these concerns when I stepped out in faith & prayer during our revival.



The Holy Spirit healed me from wanting to smoke. Also for a closer walk with Jesus. 


P. Turman

Mark Farmer was coming to our church for revival... I was skeptical. I left the sanctuary, I went out the doors, I asked is this person truly from you? I went back inside and the words of the songs and music ministered to my heart. Mark Farmer asked for anyone who wished for for the laying on of hands to come forward. My husband & I went up. Waited in line. My husband was slain in the Spirit...Later I was slain in the Spirit. Wow!


Mr. & Mrs. Schultz

"God was there in an amazing way. I love it when God shows up... you went with what the Holy Spirit said many lives were changed. Peoples marriages were restored, bodies were healed, people were giving their all to God, not holding anything back, which is true revival, changed lives!! Many souls snatched from the enemies hands is a victory for our blessed Lord, the lover of our souls. And, oh my how he loved on us last night.


Karen (Minister)

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